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CytoCell fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) logo.

Product summary

  • Technology FISH
  • Application Hematology
  • Region 8q24.21
  • Label    
  • Product Code LPH 041-A (100μl)
  • Regulatory Status Analyte specific reagent. Analytical and performance characteristics are not established.



Probe specification

  • cMYC, 8q24.21, Red
  • IGH, 14q32.3, Green

The IGH/cMYC product consists of probes, labeled in green, covering the Constant and Variable segments of the IGH gene, and cMYC probes, labeled in red. The cMYC probe mix contains a 220Kb probe centromeric to the cMYC gene and a second probe covering the 186Kb region telomeric to the cMYC gene, including the D8S1644 marker.

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