Highly specific CytoCell® FISH probes are capable of detecting genetic changes in a variety of sample types, in situ.
Developed by scientists, for scientists, OGT understands the real-world application of this technology. We are pleased to offer a range of CytoCell FISH probes optimised for haematological malignancies as well as the assessment of genetic aberrations in solid tumour samples.
CytoCell’s constitutional range also includes our FAST FISH assays, designed for the rapid and accurate detection of the most common prenatal chromosomal disorders. Our microdeletion probes are designed for the detection of some of the rarest human genetic syndromes.
CytoCell myProbes® is a custom FISH probe design and manufacture service. By working in partnership with you, we can deliver probes to meet your specific requirements. From a simple modification of an existing catalogue product, to a completely new and innovative project, you can be confident that our expert team will design and deliver a probe you can depend on.
The Del(5q) Plus Tri-Colour Deletion Probe mix consists of three distinct probes. The green probe (378kb) covers the CDC25C and EGR1 genes, along with their flanking regions that include the RH68817 and D5S500 markers. The red probe set (147kb, 155kb and 189kb) locates between the D5S1708 and D5S551 markers and includes the CSF1R, PDGFRB, TCOF1 and RPS14 genes. The aqua probe set (224kb and 367kb) locates between the markers RH76617 and RH92681 and includes the genes TERT, CLPTM1L, SLC6A3 and SDHAP3.
View ProductThe CBFB Breakapart Probe mix consists of two distinct probes. The red probe (292kb) is centromeric to the CBFB gene and extends beyond the RH104363 marker to cover part of the DYNC1LI2 gene and includes the markers SHGC-60620 and SHGC-58067. The green probe (309kb) is telomeric to the CBFB gene and extends through the marker RH78922 beyond the ZDHHC1 gene to a region telomeric to the marker RH11782.
View ProductThe HER2 amplification probe consists of a 347kb probe labelled in red, spanning the HER2 (ERBB2) gene and neighbouring regions, and a green probe for the chromosome 17 centromere.
View ProductThe ALK Breakapart probe consists of a green 420kb probe, which spans the majority of the ALK gene and a red 486kb probe, which is telomeric to the ALK gene.
View ProductThe FAST FISH Prenatal kit allows detection of trisomies 13, 18 and 21 (Patau, Edwards and Down syndromes) and sex chromosome aneuploidies utilising a 2 hour hybridisation protocol.
View ProductThe SRY probe, labelled in red, consists of two non-overlapping probes, 30kb and 50kb. The probes cover the entire SRY gene and flanking DNA, including the RPS4Y1 gene. The probe mix also contains control probes for the X centromere (DXZ1), labelled in blue, and for chromosome Y (DYZ1, the heterochromatic block at Yq12), labelled in green.
View ProductIntroducing the first Pretreatment kit capable of preparing slides for CISH and/or FISH analysis on Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) tissue. Our ready-to-use Tissue Pretreatment Kit has been optimised to produce excellent visual results with our extensive CytoCell® solid tumour FISH range.
View ProductPorcelain Wash Jars expand our extensive accessory product portfolio. The robust, inert porcelain material allows for improved temperature stability and reduced breakages. In addition, a total of 12 slides back-to-back can be processed at one time, allowing for high throughput slide processing.
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