Welcome to the latest edition of DNA Dispatch, the quarterly newsletter from OGT, your hybridization experts.
OGT is pleased to introduce the SureSeq™ Myeloid Fusion Panel, expanding your ability to identify key fusion genes implicated in AML and enhancing the understanding of myeloid cancer classification and progression.
OGT’s range of CytoCell® FDA-cleared Class II IVD FISH probe test kits are specifically designed to detect common chromosomal rearrangements reported in AML and MDS.
Our safe and effective probes can help reduce the validation burden for your laboratory and accompanied by our detailed protocol and analysis guidelines, we ensure optimal FISH testing.
Discover the importance of detecting genetic variations in our CytoSure® whitepaper!
Highlighting the crucial role of identifying genetic changes, like Copy Number Variation (CNV) and Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH), in studying developmental disorders.
At OGT, we develop pioneering hybridization technology that fits seamlessly into your workflows.
Leveraging rational, expert-driven development, our SureSeq myeloid range offers enhanced detection of complex structural variants, better coverage uniformity and a clearer genetic profile of your samples.
Dive into our discussion on the development and current state of sequencing technologies, and where the future of NGS may take us.
Don’t forget…Our FAS team can be contacted online with free support advice