myProbes® is a custom design and manufacture service that provides unique fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes using the BAC-2- FISH™ process. This process utilizes CytoCell’s proprietary BAC clone collection containing >220,000 clones to produce fully quality-assured custom FISH probes for virtually any sequence in the entire human genome. Over 2,000 myProbes projects have been completed since 2010.
Based on your specific interests and research, custom FISH probes may range from a simple catalog probe modification to a truly unique product.
CytoCell offers expert consultation from start to finish on your project. Contact us to learn more.
All custom myProbes are tested on your specific sample type (when available) to ensure reproducibility. Our process and quality assurances are designed to produce high-quality probes and accurate results.
We used to make our own probes when they weren’t available commercially, but this was a really tough and lengthy process and often they failed. It has been really helpful to be able to hand over that work to the CytoCell myProbes team who always deliver us with great performing probes.
Claire Schwab
Research Cytogeneticist, Wolfson Childhood Cancer Research Centre, Newcastle University, UK