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Product summary

  • Technology NGS
  • Product Code 500076
  • Regulatory Status For research use only; not for use in diagnostic procedures.



Interpret is OGT’s powerful and easy-to-use next-generation sequencing analysis solution, facilitating analysis and visualization of a wide range of variants and structural aberrations. Coupled with a comprehensive and powerful filtering framework, the software delivers accurate calling of SNVs and indels, as well as structural aberrations, including ITDs, PTDs, CNVs, LOH and translocations. Interpret is designed to work seamlessly with all CytoSure® and SureSeq™ NGS panels and offers flexible accessibility for data analysis; whether through a stand-alone computer1, laboratory server or another web-enabled device. With a wide range of customization options and links to various mutation databases, Interpret provides effortless translation of all your NGS data into meaningful results.

  • Detection of a wide range of aberrations — reliably call variants ranging from low-frequency SNVs and indels to large structural deletions including CNVs and translocations
  • Extensive customization options — easily customize variant and batch reports and database links to meet the exact needs of your laboratory
  • Comprehensive range of filtering options — standardize your analysis workflow and overlay bespoke variant filtering to meet your analytical criteria
  • Security and control — log and track user activity and standardize analysis protocols through multiple access permission levels
  • Powerful and complimentary with OGT’s NGS panels — optimized for use with SureSeq and CytoSure NGS panels to detect all aberrations covered by your panel


Accurate detection of a wide range of aberrations

Used in conjunction with CytoSure and SureSeq NGS panels, Interpret facilitates the analysis and visualization of a wide range of mutation types and structural variants. Complementing the expert panel design and hybridization-based approach of our NGS panels to deliver unparalleled coverage uniformity, Interpret is integral in facilitating the detection of low-frequency variants consistently and with confidence. Whether your input DNA is high-quality or formalin-compromised, or your research focuses on oncology or rare diseases, Interpret delivers fast and accurate detection of all aberrations covered by your panel (Figures 1-9).

Extensive customization options

OGT has extensive experience in providing individualized options through its established plug-in infrastructure. This enables the software to be tailored to your laboratory’s specific requirements, whether it be report formats, user controls or variant annotation. Additional outputs from the pipeline include a range of publicly available data resources (see figure 10) for annotation of variants detected.

Additional licence-based sources, such as HGMD, can be incorporated on provision of suitable credentials. In Interpret, samples are rapidly processed through customizable protocols and optimized settings in order to generate the variant lists. Your laboratory has the option to use the protocols provided with the software or develop your own through the intuitive user interface. Personal modifications are available for:

  • Hardware settings
  • Quality metrics
  • Variant calling parameters
  • Variant filtering parameters

Following analysis, results can be viewed in the user-friendly variant browser showing a tabular display of the calls and an IGV window, which can be maximized in a separate window for greater visibility.

Report generation is implemented through a templating system, prepared by OGT following discussion with your laboratory. Our report templates are highly customizable and designed to be modified to individual requirements. For example, one template could simply provide an overview of user activity in the sequencing analysis while another could provide detailed sample or batch analysis results (Figure 11).

Comprehensive range of filtering options

An extensive range of dynamic filtering options are available, which allow you to filter your data to meet your exact analytical criteria (Table 1).

Interpret provides a sophisticated user interface which facilitates, through the comprehensive range of filtering options available, the standardization of your laboratory workflow. These filters can be incorporated into any analysis protocol and are automatically deployed when a particular protocol is selected. This facilitates the building of more complex filter sets to optimize the search and identification of your variants to your exact requirements (Figures 12 and 13).

Security and control

A relational database stores all activities conducted using the software, from the loading of the samples to the variant calls made in those samples. This facilitates the logging and tracking of individual user activity for consistent data processing and laboratory monitoring.

The database enables implementation of security protocols through multiple access permission levels, allowing users with administrator rights to control all functions of the software and the actions of users based on their roles within the laboratory. Additionally, data stored within the relational database can be easily backed up or ported.

CytoSure and SureSeq NGS workflow

What our customers say


  1. Computer specification: RAM: min 16Gb, suggested 24Gb; HDD: min 500Gb, suggested 2TB; CPU: 8+ logical cores at 2+ GHz; OS: Windows (7 or newer; Virtualization (VT-x) needs to be enabled in the BIOS) or Unix (any flavour supporting Docker CE).
  2. Helga Thorvaldsdóttir, James T. Robinson, Jill P. Mesirov. Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV): high-performance genomics data visualization and exploration. Briefings in Bioinformatics 14, 178-192 (2013).

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