OGT's CytoCell® Satellite Enumeration probes are chromosome specific sequences generated from highly repeated human satellite DNA located in the centromeric, pericentromeric or heterochromatic regions of each chromosome.
These probes allow rapid identification and enumeration of human chromosomes in interphase and metaphase cells of postnatal samples. OGT offers a complete range of satellite probes available in the CytoCell liquid format. The probes are available independently and directly labelled in either red or green. They are produced in a concentrated form to allow the mixing, if required, of up to 3 satellite probes in the same hybridisation.
The kits are supplied in an economical 5 test format and come complete with hybridisation solution and DAPI counterstain.
Running our PETS protocol was taking upwards of 5 hours to complete based on the previous SOP. After the technical training visit from CytoCell, we were able to make some tweaks to reduce the protocol time down to just 1 hour and 15 minutes, with the same or better results.
Michelle Casey
Assistant Genetic Technologist, Leicestershire Genetics Centre, UK